1 year agoLaboratory-grown diamonds have essentially the same chemical, optical and physical properties and crystal structure as natural diamonds. Like natural diamonds, they are made of tightly-bonded carbon atoms. They respond to light in the same way and are just as hard as natural diamonds. The main differences between laboratory-grown and natural diamonds lie in their origin. Think of it this way: laboratory-grown diamonds are like ice from your refrigerator, while natural diamonds are like ice from a glacier. They are both ice, although their formation stories and the age of each are very different.Natural diamonds formed millions to billions of years ago in Earth’s mantle then were explosively carried by kimberlite and lamproite volcanoes to Earth’s surface, often carrying fascinating inclusions within them. Laboratory-grown diamonds appear identical to natural diamonds to the unaided eye and typically require testing by a laboratory with advanced instruments to be identified.Lab grown diamonds are very cost effective and easily available in the market. It has exact same properties as natural diamonds.
2 years agoAccording to the Department of Consumer Affairs website, the Hallmark Unique Identification (HUID) number is a six-digit Alphanumeric code made up of letters and digits. Every item of jewellery will be issued a HUID number at the moment of hallmarking, and each one will be unique. At the Assaying & Hallmarking centre, the jewellery is hand stamped with the unique number.
3 years agoChakraIn the cosmos, everything is present in everything. Macro cosmos andmicro cosmos have the same nature. The laws of the micro cosmos arealso present in the macro cosmos. At the source of all manifestations isunity, a cosmic intelligence beyond human understandings. This unitycreates all manifestations, from subtle to the densest matter. The mostcrystallized state of existence is the physical world we are living in. Thecrystallization process of consciousness went through seven stages, hencethe existence of seven worlds, seven bodies, and seven levels ofconsciousness. Each of these spheres of existence has a power center, aconcentrated field of energy that acts as a transformer to a higher level ofconsciousness. Each center is also directly connected with the ultimatesource. This pattern is found in all fields of existence.As Aura permeates our physical body it creates swirling vortexes of energyat specific places, which are our endocrine glands. These vortexes ofenergy look like spinning wheels and hence the name „Chakra‟. Ancienthealing techniques such as pranayama, qi gong, acupuncture, and tai chiinclude the focusing of the mind on this flow of Pranic Force.These seven chakras determine our overall wellbeing. These Chakras aregoverned by expressions, feelings and senses, including the sixth sense.They also reflect levels of existence, consciousness, worlds, colors,lessons of life and the four consciousness levels which are body, mind,senses and identity. By meditating on these centers or Chakras and payingattention to their specific roles and lessons, we can reach our highestpotential. They are like gates that ultimately open up to self-realization.
3 years agoIs There a Difference between Natural and Laboratory-Grown Diamonds?Russell ShorMay 31, 2019Two specimens of faceted crystalized carbon - both are crystal clear and give off a kaleidoscope of spectral colors in direct light. They appear to be identical. One, however, is a billion or more years old and the other was recently grown in a laboratory.Both are diamonds, of course. The first is a natural diamond created by forces deep within the young Earth. The second is from a laboratory and possesses essentially the same chemical, physical and optical properties as its natural counterpart.Diamond – the material, not the gem – is a mineral consisting of “essentially pure carbon crystalized in the isometric cubic system,” according to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC), which develops trading guides for the gem and jewelry industry.Although the FTC says diamonds are essentially pure carbon, the vast majority of natural diamonds contain trace amounts of other substances, particularly nitrogen, which gives them a yellow color or (rarely) boron, which imparts a blue color. In addition, they usually contain inclusions, tiny bits of foreign material that were trapped in the still-forming diamond millions of years ago.Laboratory-grown diamonds (also sometimes referred to as man-made or synthetic diamonds) entered the gem and jewelry market in commercial quantities about five years ago. Although identical in appearance to natural diamonds, they have very subtle differences that can only be detected by trained gemologists and sophisticated equipment designed for that purpose.WHERE DO DIAMONDS COME FROM?Natural DiamondsNatural diamonds formed deep in the earth under extreme pressure and high temperature as long as three billion years ago. Volcanic activity brought them to the surface where they lay in a type of volcanic rock formation known as kimberlite pipes, waiting to be mined. Only about five percent of kimberlite pipes contain enough diamond to make them economically feasible to mine.Laboratory-Grown DiamondsMan-made diamonds suitable for industrial use were first produced in a laboratory in the 1950s. While gem-quality diamonds were produced in a laboratory for the first time in 1971, it was not until the mid-2010s that colorless laboratory-grown diamonds entered the gem and jewelry market in commercial quantities.Today, laboratory-grown diamonds are created by two methods, according to Dr. James Shigley, GIA Distinguished Research Fellow, who has been researching laboratory-grown diamonds at GIA for more than 30 years.High pressure, high temperature (HPHT) diamonds are produced in a laboratory by mimicking the high pressure, high temperature conditions that form natural diamonds in the Earth. This process produces a distinctively shaped laboratory-grown diamond crystal.The chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method involves breaking down the molecules of a carbon-rich gas, such as methane, into carbon and hydrogen atoms, which then are deposited on diamond seeds to produce a square-shaped, tabular diamond crystal.Growing diamonds by either method typically requires less than a month for most sizes. Most CVD-grown diamonds require additional treatments like heat or irradiation to enhance or change their colors after the growth process.Typically, laboratory-grown diamonds have weighed a carat or less, but as technology and techniques improve, larger stones have appeared in the market.HOW CAN NATURAL AND LABORATORY-GROWN DIAMONDS BE DISTINGUISHED FROM ONE ANOTHER?It is essential that laboratory-grown diamonds can be identified because consumers need to know what they are buying, and because there are often significant price differences between them and natural gemstones.As part of its mission to protect and inform the gem-buying public, GIA offers diploma programs, including the GIA Graduate Gemologist credential, and seminars that teach diamond grading techniques and the latest methods used to distinguish natural from laboratory-grown diamonds and diamond simulants.Because laboratory-grown diamonds are essentially chemically and optically the same as their natural counterparts, traditional gemological observations and old-style “diamond detectors” are not able to tell them apart. Identification at a professional gemological laboratory or using sophisticated devices developed by GIA and other organizations are the only reliable methods to separate them from natural diamonds.Diamond Morphology – the Telltale Factor“Natural diamonds that formed in the Earth over millions of years grow differently from diamonds created in a laboratory in a few weeks. In addition, HPHT- and CVD-created diamonds have different growth morphology, or how growth conditions influenced the shape of the diamond crystal,” said Dr. Shigley.GIA Senior Research Scientist Dr. Sally Eaton-Magaña further explained, “The identification criteria for HPHT and CVD diamonds are quite distinct from each other,” adding that laboratory-grown diamonds have become much more varied over the last 10 to 15 years, requiring GIA researchers to keep pace with new developments.“We also regularly conduct research on emerging products and GIA has a program to grow diamonds in the laboratory to stay ahead of any new trends,” Dr. Eaton-Magaña said.This chart shows the different diamond rough based on how they grew, or their growth morphology. Though this shape is lost after a diamond is cut and polished, identification is still possible by looking for fluorescence patterns that result from its particular growth morphology among other things. SOURCE: of a CVD DiamondLab grown CVD Diamonds are REAL Diamonds grown by exactly replicating the diamond creation process from under the surface of the earth. It all begins with a natural diamond seed. The seed is placed in the CVD plasma chamber and an intense environment of temperature and pressure is created just like that found under the earth. Gases are infused and along with the right combination of pressure and temperature conditions, carbon formations develop into rough diamonds.The chemical, thermal, optical, and physical properties of these diamonds are identical to that of natural diamonds – same size and same 4C’s- Cut, Colour, Clarity, Carat. Since they are not found in mines, CVD diamonds add another C to their definition – of being Conflict Free.But one main significance is that CVD diamonds are 100% composed of carbon and nitrogen-free. 98% of the world’s natural diamonds contain nitrogen. Only 2% of the world’s natural diamonds are the purest type, 100?rbon composed. World-renowned diamond grading & certifying labs classify these diamonds as Type IIa.The shine, brightness & luster of Type IIa diamonds are significantly better than any other diamond. 100% of CVD diamonds are composed entirely of carbon and are classified as Type IIa. As a result, the shine & brilliance of CVD diamonds is unmatched and rare to find in their mined counterparts.How CVD Diamonds are made?a. A thin layer of natural diamond is taken as the seedb. The diamond seed is placed in the CVD plasma sector.c. The same environment is re-created in the CVD reactor.d. Carbon disintegrates to form layers on the diamond seed.e. This results in a rough diamond, same as a mined one.f. The cutting and polishing process is the same for both.g. CVD diamond is a Type IIa diamond; the purest type.h. It is 100?rbon composed with better shine and luster.Sustainable Benefits of CVD DiamondsThese diamonds are grown in labs and not found in mines, hence leaving the Earth free of mining manipulations. Additionally, they are less expensive to grow since they don’t incur mining costs; the pricing benefit of which is passed on to the consumers.A quick factoid:1 CARAT CVD Diamond can SAVE:109 Gallons of WATER250 Tonnes of LAND50% of your MONEY
Gold and silver: The rebound has run into resistance
3 years agoAfter facing strong selling pressure in July, gold and silver prices rebounded as the US dollar and realrolled over. This rebound has, meanwhile, run into resistance as it was lacking the support from safe-haven seekers.